Friday 3 July 2015

Blanket Progress Check Two!

...Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

That's not very many squares is it?
 I have been rather busy, sorting out life type things, but really now! I have been sewing a slightly ambitious and ill advised skirt project however, and have a big pile of sewing to get through in addition to this so I'm dividing my time a bit more. Still need to block these lot first!

Information on each square is below!

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Owl of the Month #1 (July 2015)

So I thought this would be fun to do, possibly more for me than for you I’m afraid, but I wanted to
introduce my owls! So here’s the first fine feathered friend for you to meet.

15cm tall china owl

This was bought from Emmaus in Gloucester, after I had a blood test for my nut allergy. This was a couple of years ago, when the owl collection regained momentum.
I like that it's very simple, down the middle, plain, realistic owl. Sometimes the ones you see about are a bit weird looking and I don't really like them. 

I don't know what kind of owl it is, but I'd guess at great horned owl I suppose? If anyone knows about owl please add your thoughts!

See you this time next month for the next owl!

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Blanket Progress Check One!

Week one of blanket making is over - let's see how far we got...
7 x 6" sqaures! On track! Below I've put each square, and the pattern I used if you'd like it too!

Sunday 7 June 2015

Little Lighthouse

I've been tidying my room, and found all my old embroidery stuff! I also found some aida, so I decided to have a go at a cross stitch technique I saw a while ago but never tried out.

The idea you pin the aida to your fabric, cross stitch like normal, then carefully pick all the strands of aida out. It was a lot easier to remove than I was expecting, and I think I might do some more! Very tempted to do some fried eggs I think, and use my own design this time.
For this sweet little lighthouse I used a pattern found on this website. I've been living near the seaside the past 9 months, and wanted some kind of seaside-y motif on my plain shorts. I always like seeing lighthouses, so when I saw this pattern it made perfect sense!

What sort of things do you like at the seaside?

Wednesday 3 June 2015

It's a Start


I'm aiming to fill my summer with crafty projects and sewing, and I wanted somewhere to document my creations!

So here's the first thing, the most recent big project I finished, and the first 'proper' crochet clothing I've made!

I made this using this pattern, and completely the wrong yarn weight. Since the pattern used measurements instead of numbers of stitches and rows, it turned out alright!

I liked the look of the lacey parts, and once I understood the new stitch I was off.

I used Marriner 'mermaid' acrylic for this, and a bit of some pink when I ran out of the variegated. I was given a ball of the mermaid yarn for my birthday, and by the time I needed more of it to finished up the batches they had for sale were far more grey than the ball I had - and noticably so!  I think it's okay for the lacy sectins, but looked very odd on the left of the bodice.

I'm glad this went okay, and I like the slightly clownish look is ended with, with the contrasting bodice half and sleeve and ruffly collar!

On a final note, I've started work on a blanket! I'm scared! But I'm going to put up a weekly post, on Mondays, of the new squares I've completed. I'm aiming for at least 6 inches squared a day, whether that's a whole square or a section of a larger one, so I'll be done by the start of term.

Let's see what the summer brings!